Tuesday 9 September 2008

Baby sitting

Baby sitting

It was our first time baby sitting our friend’s baby. We volunteered to baby sit Audrey while her parents watch a musical in London. It was 4 hrs long. But this girl was incredibly easy. She is able to communicate, follows instructions and is potty trained!

Park was the best choice to bring the two toddlers, and thank goodness, there was a live band, and did our kids have a great time dancing to the beat. They tired themselves out running about and chasing pigeons. She fell fast asleep the moment she sat down in the pram for the rest of the hrs.

Nathan was awake the whole time, so we decided to get his face drawn at Leicester Square. He was good on the chair, sat there rather still for 10mins. Later, we had Audrey and her parents drawn too, a birthday present for her mum.