Nathan is finding his grounds these days, a fast growing independence, and a sudden realization that it is fun doing things without the need of mum. These are his latest milestones:
Drink water holding on to the handles and eat a whole pear. Seeing him taking huge bites from the big round pear and fiddling it with his little hands is a gorgeous sight. Pear has now become his do-without fruit a day. He has also decided to be rather adventurous by being more physical with his hands and legs like climbing up the sofa, standing on the high chair, and crawling under tables and chairs to hide and reach for things. He has even attempted to put on his home soft shoes into his feet!
It was really nice seeing him attempting to do things on his own. We are now experimenting helping him to eat his dinner by himself. I help him scoop the porridge into his spoon. He is able to direct the spoon into his wide open mouth. It certainly helps when he is hungry as he is definitely more keen to feed himself when his tummy rumbles.
Balls are still his favourite games, throwing and bouncing them, and now, sitting and feeling the vibration on his bums.