Thursday 14 February 2008

Chinese New Year 2008

This yr's new yr is particularly special mainly becos we're not home, and we don't have the usual 'must do' stuff, like reunion dinners, visiting relatives and preparing red packets.

We initiated a few parties at our place, of which, the one we had most fun was the CNY tea party on the 3rd day. We had 3 different families - German, Jap and China. So, I felt quite chinese having to explain some new yr things to them, such as wearing red, hanging writings on the walls, and eating CNY cookies, finishing up with jasmine tea. I also prepared some craft for the kids, we made mouse masks, quite a success.

So, it was nice. Wherever you are, so long as you make an effort to make the best use of what you have, you can make something happen, we did. Praise God!