Wednesday 30 April 2008

Nathan's Second Birthday Party

Thank God for blessing us with a lovely sunny day to enioy the party. We planned to have both food and games indoors, but everyone was so eager to get out, so we packed everything and headed for lama land (opp playground) to have a picnic, and yes, outdoor games!

7 families in all. We had a great time of food and play. Poor nathan didn't get to blow any candles cos the wind was too strong. But we did have two sticks of candles and song.

My boy is TWO. Wow, many changes have taken place, speaking more words, understanding mum and dad better, and he is quite a pleaser. Whenever he does something naughty and we scold him, he would be real sad. We continue to pray for him that he would come to know Jesus for himself, and for ourselves, that we would be godly role models for Nathan.