Wednesday 5 March 2008

Nathan @ 22 Mths (24.02.08)

Here’s doing another update of what Nathan can do, and likes to do.

Nathan can

a) Climb up and walk down stairs unaided. We have 2 flights of stairs at our flat, which provides plenty of opportunities to practice. But sometimes lazy and tired boy refuses to conquer them himself, prefers to be carried instead.
b) Fix individual shaped puzzles – wooden and cardboard.
c) Recognise shapes and fit in different shapes in a sorter.
d) Doodle with a pen on paper or magnetic board. This is cool for occupying him while we dine in at restaurants.
e) Use crayons and colour on paper. But his attention is short for this activity. Somehow, he prefers writing with pen than colouring, no state of art maybe.
f) Pick his favourite vcd and put it in the cd player. He knows the right button to press. Hmm, not taught, this is learnt through imitation.
g) Sings ‘row row row …’ stops there, but he gets the tune roughly right.

Nathan likes

a) Playing with his 4 wheeler plastic red fire engine. He brings it with him wherever he goes.
b) Playing with any 4 wheelers – truck and bus and car.
c) Finger puppets. He talks with them and likes putting each one on our fingers too. Great for pretend play, and we can bring them wherever we go.
d) Watching cartoons – wheels on the bus, sesame street, barney.
e) Climbing up the sofa. Often claps his hands when he gets up there.
f) Eating raisins, cheerios, plums, pears, corn, yogurt (anytime). And drinks water from his new red bottle.
g) Lying and rolling on the floor. Sometimes to show his frustration, but most of the time just relaxing on the carpeted floor.
h) Opening and closing drawers and cupboards. Won’t take No for an answer.

Some attempts at developing his interests:

a) Prepared a biscuit dough and have him play with it, but he has absolutely zero interest in baking … oops.
b) I love crafts – cutting and making cards. So I’d hope Nathan would enjoy a bit of craft too. At play groups, they always have time set aside for craft for kids. But all Nathan does is mess up other people’s work, or dip his fingers into the glue. Sigh, perhaps I should put craft on hold for the moment.